Friday, January 23, 2009

Wal-Mart = Death of Savings

So....I'm all alllooooooone and there's no one here to love me....

I am spending the evening alone. J is at a farm show is St. Jo Missouri. My friends were all busy. So I'm blogging. Whoopeeeeee......

So I stopped by walmart on my way home. My shopping list:
sliced cheese
flash drive

What did I come home with?

2 boxes of cerial
1 box of granola bars
a block of sliced cheese
a gallon of milk
a $5 flash drive
fat free powdered creamer
a bra
cat food
sweet and sour chicken (it was my compromise to eating out)

I needed everything on there...exccept maybe the sweet and sour chicken. What did this total? $58.89

I hate walmart

I was looking at a $30 coat (formerly $50) too but I decided I was spending enough.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I was looking at the same coats...couldn't do it :) P.S. I'm home along too...Rocky's on evenings. $5 flash drive?