Thursday, September 17, 2009

This isn't Tool Time, and we're not Tim & Jill Taylor, but we've deffinately got some Home Improvement goin on!

So, last spring we bought a bunch of paint and one of those pretty butterfly flags when one of the local stores was having a moving sale, and said we were going to start doing house improvements.  Instead, it decorated by living room floor for MONTHS.  But, I am now happy to announce that our supplies have been put to their full potential.  J and I spent last Sunday doing improvements.  Take a look!

So, the door wasn't necessarily a "home improvement" but when your house is silver/grey/offwhite and your door is white and your shutters are faded maroon.....well, I at least wanted to add some color.  So, a red door it is!  I LOVE it.  You can't even tell that the first coat looked hot pink.  lol.  And the faded maroon shutters?  The next step on the list.  Hopefully to match the door.  The mulch we bought after the paint and stuff of course, but that strip was too small to mow with our riding mower and J had had the neighbor kid mow it with their push mower, but we decided to prevent snakes, etc and just mulch it.  I think it looks pretty wesome.  Oh, and why would we need a riding mower you may ask, when we live in town?  Cuz of my rockin' awesome front yard!

And yes, we live in town, with our own miniature creek.  I'm deffinately a fan.  About as good as you can get, for having to live in town for now.  If I could make the housees around us disappear, to a mile or two away, I'd be in heaven!  (Not a city girl!)

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Wooohoooo I can leave a comment!!!!