Tuesday, January 5, 2010

There Ain't No Rest for the Wicked....

Oh, Yes, getting off to a fantastic start on those life goals.  Sitting here three hours and counting.  Although, this was at least useful, if not fruitful.  Job hunting.  Effing expreience required bullcrap.

I've been thinking about what I would like to see in a perfect job.  Radio, although I love it, does not incorporate everything I really like.  (Like, ya know, a JOB right now.) So, lets take a look:

(Before that, my cat just shook her head and it seriously sounded like marbles clacking together.  No joke.)

-Fast paced, but not stressfully so.
-Challenging, but not overwhelmng.
-Design of some sort.  I fall more and more in love with Adobe every day.
-Sign Language.  I did that for 3 years in High School and I adored it.
-Dressy Casual.
-People I feel comfortable talking to and who take give me that "You're a weird crazy lady and I'm going to nod and smile until you go away" look.
-Good management.  I'm not a leader type.  I don't like telling other people what to do.  Advice, yes.  Orders, no.
-Copious amounts of down time in which to play internet games.  No, really, a little down time is good, but I hate being so bored that I resort to facebook as means of keeping my sanity.
-Local.  I don't like driving.

Know of anything that meets all of my oh-so-unreasonable criteria?  I will kiss your feet if you let me know.

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