Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Life Goals?

It's 4 degrees outside.  It was -1 when I woke up this morning.  It's supposed to get down to -13 this week.  Seriously?!?!  Did I mention there is also about 8 or 10 inches of snow in some areas (I really don't know how much we've had, it's drifted)?  How about that J is in PA and I have to drive 21 miles to work every day, by myself, in sub-freezing temperatures?  Ya, I know, Wisconsin does it all the time, suck it up, buttercup.  I'm not used to this crap.

I've been reading about a New Year's resolutions.  I don't do them.  But, it does get me to thinking about all of the areas in which I can improve my life.  Just a short list, off the top of my head:

  1. Get back in to shape.  (Seriously, I've gain about 30 lbs in the last five years and OMG I'm only a size 12 and I feel like a tub of lard! I don't care about being skinny, I just don't like being out of shape.)  J and I are taking this on together.  Do you suppose alumni get a discount for memberships at the college gym?
  2. Eat healthier.  I've been doing better, but there is so much room for improvement.
  3. Improve my organization.  (Looks around house.  Hangs head in shame.)
  4. Take the effin recycling out.  I keep it, but never take it anywhere!
  5. Spend wisely.  I would like to be out of debt before I die.
  6. Clean out the litter box more often.  So gross.
  7. Declutter.  This will be a toughy.  I hate to throw anything out and J likes knicknacks. 
  8. Find a hairstyle I actually like.  (This one has been YEARS in the making.)
  9. Be a risk taker, be outgoing, and make friends.  (I so desperately need them.)
  10. Spend less useless time on the internet and more time doing useful things, like researching things I'm interested in.  (Natural family planning, adoption, birth plans, budgeting plans, saving money, etc.)
  11. Work on my forgiveness, and growing as a person.
On second thought, maybe these are more like life goals.


Tiffany said...

Is there something you should tell me about the whole birth planning stuff?

~Katie said...

Not really so much. See also "Adoption" in that same one. Unforunately or fortunately, I guess depends on how you look at it.