Sunday, January 18, 2009

Counting my Blessings

Ok, so I grudgingly admit it. I miss school. In my over-dramatizing brain, I remember the days of yore and wonderful days full of friends and fun, very little work, terrible food, and I didn't fall asleep at 830 at night, annoying my husband. It seems so long ago that I barely did any homework and played frisbee in the rain at 2am, spent my weekends at home with my dog and counted down the days to a no-school-day with avid anticipation.

Now, I don't really ever see any of my friends, I work all the time, the food is semi-good because when I want to cook it tastes fantastic but when I don't want to but have to it tastes as bad as the caf did, I fall asleep at 830 which annoys my husband, I don't get to go home much and when I do I don't get to see my dog at all.

So my dissatisfied mind says.

In reality, I know that living in the dorms sucked. I still didn't have many just kind of force it sometimes because you live so close together. I like work better than school because I'm doing much of the same work but 1. I'm getting paid to do it instead of paying others for me to do it and 2. There is a point to the work and it is useful. I know my cooking is still better and healthier than that damned slop that they called healthy. I didn't sleep because I never felt safe and now when I go to sleep I get to cuddle up to a very warm body that I love very much instead of a cold wall.

I still don't get to go home much, but that's okay because as much as I love and miss my mother, I like myself better when she doesn't dictate my entire life.

As for playing frisbee in the rain? Well, I never did that when it was cold anyway. We'll see what happens this summer.

I really am a lucky girl.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

You are a really lucky girl! The only bad thing is that you don't get to work with me anymore!

P.S. You got another award at my blog.