Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas to all.....and to all a good fright! Bite! Night!

Christmas was canceled this year.  Twice.  First my family, then J's.  Too much snow.  Bah!  No one wanted to drive.  So we loaded up and went to see my parents anyway then to see his. 

Stupid you say?  Possibly.  That or murder each other becuase he's stuck with a pissed off, PMSing wife cuz she missed Christmas.  I think that was really it.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Everything & Nothing

J didn't have the flu. Well, the dr. still insists that he did (he never had a single flu symptom) but I really think he's just trying to cover his own ass. Instead, we were told that he's not processing his food right. He eats and it's just sitting there. So that, combined with a touch of IBS, and he's still not feeling great. The solution? Diet change. Less heavy food like pastas and breads, more veggies. (Gross.) Less prservatives, acids, caffine (pretty tough for the King of the Mountain....DEW) and meat and a lot more veggies. Smaller portions, which is tough. The boy is always hungry and smaller portions is making him cranky. So, less meat, less bread, less pasta....everything that I actually LIKE. Less coffe, pop, Kool-Aid (which I've been nagging about anyway. I can't stand when people are addicted to caffine and say they can't stand the "taste" of water....but I'm not judging and that's another blog completely)and more fruits and veggies. I'm not a fruit and veggie fan. I never have been. I was raised meat and potatoes and eat veggies sparingly to keep you regular. So, if anyone has any clever ways of disguising the things to make them appealing, please share.

Almost every female I know continues to be pregnant or having small babies. Even the ones I know shouldn't procreate and pass on the stupid gene. Yes, it's mean, but we all know I'm right. Anyway, it's really killin me.

1 year mark for J and I on Wednesday. We were hoping to go back to Vegas. Yeah, right. Instead we're going out to eat tonight. We're taking his mom with us. I have mixed feelings on this.

The boss is being a butt again. He says if Obama makes him pay for health care then about half of the employees are going to be laid off, permanently, so he can afford the health care. This is maddening for so many reasons. Mainly, to me, if he weren't busy pyaing for three houses and buying his wive $2,000 purses, he could afford to keep his business up to OSHA standards and pay his good employees enough to keep them around. GRRR.

Still job hunting, obviously.

It's butt ass cold. It's been somewhere between 10 and 15 degrees all week. This does not look promising for the dress I was planning on wearing for said aniversary tonight.

When J and I first started living together, THIS was his idea of cooking for me.

Yes, that is a pink bunny Peep.  Yes, it is on fire, on a fork.  Yes, he is blowing out the pink bunny peep.  Yummy, roasted rabbit.

Last night, he fixed dinner.  Ok, so he made over my left over salmon and rice.  It was still good.  I don't have any pics, but I do have a pic of dessert:

A big improvement, huh?  Hot chocolate or Fireside Coffee, or whatever.  Coaco and instant coffee.  No, not whipped cream.  Skim milk that he shook and turned in to whipped cream.  I was very impressed.  He's taking to this eating better thing than I am.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I'm such a badass in my own mind....

....that I think I should totally be a song writer. Check this Sensor-1 rendition of Jingle Bells:

Dashing through the snow
Trying not to be late
Over the steps we jump
Trying not to slide

Suppress a cough we must
‘Cause we can’t stay home sick
So here we are anyway
Hoping the boss will get sick

Oh jingle bells
sensor-1 smells
Ralph took a pill
Maybe now we’ll all get a long
And we won’t want to kill